Ag Issues Team Presents to Members of the Legislature


Pictured left to right: Carson Ulrich, Carter Ulrich, Lauryn Riepma, Secretary of Agriculture Lucas Lentsch, Rachel Kapperman, Jill Even, McKenzie Henning, and Jake Anderson

The West Central FFA Ag Issues Team recently traveled to Pierre where they delivered their Ag Issues presentation entitled “Is Organic Really Better”? The team was invited to present before both the House and Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. Each appearance was followed by questions and comments from members of the committees. Members also had the opportunity to meet Secretary of Agriculture Lucas Lentsch. The Secretary discussed the importance of advocacy in agriculture with the team and commended them on their research and performance. The Ag Issues team earned a berth to the National Ag Issues Career Development Event by winning the state title in December. The national competition will take place during the 88th National FFA Convention this October in Louisville, KY

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Video Views Needed

One of our videos made it into the finals for the SD Soybean Contest.  All videos appear to be stuck at 301 views.  This is Youtube’s way of assuring that all views are actual views.  Please watch the video and pass the link to your friends and family.  We need views from as many different locations/IP addresses as possible.  Once Youtube is certain that the views our video is accumulating are real, the play counter will start counting up again.  Watching and refreshing over and over again will not accumulate views on Youtube.  Please help spread the word that GMOs are safe!

Here’s a direct link for the video:


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WCFFA Adds Two State Championships

West Central FFA members have wrapped up an extremely successful fall competition season with two teams capturing state championships.   The  Agricultural Communications Team of Erica Lorang, Taylor Lewin, and Jared Blume and the Ag Issues Team of Jake Anderson, Cody Bussell, Conner Ulrich, Rachel Kapperman, Carson Ulrich, Jill Even, and Carter Ulrich earned a berth in the National CDEs (Career Development Event) by winning their state contest in December.  The teams will represent the state in October during the 88th National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY.  Team members will begin fund raising for their trip in the coming weeks.

Agricultural Communications and Ag Issues are two of 24 career development event areas ranging from transferable job skills in everything from communications to mechanics.


Pictured left to right: Ag Communications Team Taylor Lewin, Jared Blume, Erica Lorang

The three-member  Ag Communications team is challenged in all areas of the communications field.  Participants attend a press conference, utilize information gathered in a team activity and complete individual practicums in design, electronic media and writing.  Students are also tested on editing and other communications skills.  CDEs help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively in a competitive job market.  The event supports student development of sound communication principles to become strong assets to the agriculture industry in the future.


Pictured left to right: Ag Issues Team Carter Ulrich, Cody Bussell, Carson Ulrich, Rachel Kapperman, Jill Even, Jake Anderson, Conner Ulrich

The Ag Issues CDE requires students to thoroughly research a problem facing agriculture or consumers.  Team members then present all the pros and cons surrounding the issue in a 15 minute presentation with questions from the audience at the completion. This team selected the question “Is Organic Really Better?” to center their research and arguments.

The teams will compete for individual scholarships and team awards worth more than $18,000 made possible by the National FFA Foundation.  The Ag Communications team becomes the sixth team to compete in the Ag Communications CDE on the national level since the inception of the event in 2002. This team extended WCFFA’s winning streak in the Ag Communications Event capturing the state title for the fourth year in a row. The Ag Issues team will be the second team from West Central to advance to the national level.  In 2012 the team of Maty Skinner, Anthony Lueth, Rachel Schartz, Sara Waldner, Taylor Bergeson, Dean Knuth and Jared Blume asked the question “Should the Federal School Lunch Regulations be Repealed?” All students involved are members of the West Central FFA Chapter and are advised and coached by Linda Petersen.

Previous National Ag Communications CDE Teams from West Central included the following:   2006 – Noelle Rist, Marissa Moeller, Kristy Rosenbrook, Danielle Morrison, Chelsea Sandahl, Travis Swier. 2008 – Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Stacia Knuth, Spencer Kurtz, Tucker Smith, Riley Olson. 2012 – Liz Renner, Rachel Schartz, Melinda Knuth. 2013 – Cassie Wilebski, Matt Sebert, Kaitlyn Schmeichel, Rachel Kapperman. 2014 Sara Waldner, Lauren Dolly, Dean Knuth, Dalton Larson.

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FFA Members Test Leadership Skills

West Central FFA members recently traveled to Brookings to compete in the Jackrabbit Invitational Leadership CDEs.  Career Development Events (CDE) are competitive events that test students’ skills in all areas of agriculture and evaluate how well they apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations.

Results from the event are as follows:

Placing first were the Ag Communications team of Jared Blume, Taylor Lewin and Erica Lorang and the Ag Issues team of Jake Anderson, Cody Bussell, Conner Ulrich, Rachel Kapperman, Carson Ulrich, Jill Even and Carter Ulrich.

Placing second – the Ag Sales team of Layne Krier, Noah Larson, Cody Farmer and Dalton Larson.

Placing third – the Market Plan team of Ellie Krizan, McKenzie Henning and Cody Pearson.

in Job Interview Rachel Shartz was first and Sara Waldner 4th.

Ag Broadcasting -Dean Knuth was 6th, Devon Garry 10th

In Creed Speaking – Blair Lammers 6th and Gabe Lorang 8th.

FFA members will compete at the district level for a chance to advance to the State Leadership CDEs later this month.

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FFA Members Compete Nationally


Pictured left to right are Sara Waldner, Lauren Dolly, Dalton Larson, Linda Petersen

West Central FFA members recently represented the state of South Dakota in the National Agricultural Communications Career Development Event (CDE) during the 87th National FFA Convention held in Louisville, KY.  Members of the team were Lauren Dolly, Dalton Larson and Sara Waldner.

The Ag Communications CDE is a competitive event that tests students’ skills in all areas of the agricultural communications field and evaluates how well they can apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations.  Participants attend a simulated press conference and use the information gathered to complete individual practicums in writing, electronic media, and design.  Prior to the event, students compile media plans related to innovative agricultural practices, management techniques and marketing tools.  Each team then creates a 15-minute presentation based on their proposal.  Members also compete in an editing exercise and a general communications quiz.

The team placed 13th in the nation, earning a silver medal.  Individual gold medals were earned by Sara Waldner and Lauren Dolly.  Dalton Larson captured a bronze medal.  The event is sponsored through the National FFA Foundation by Osborn & Barr.  2014 marks the third year in a row that West Central has represented the state in the national CDE.  Teams advance to the national level by winning their state CDE.  The Ag Communications team is coached by Ag Ed Instructor and FFA Advisor Linda Peterson.

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Five Earn Highest Award

Jorry Lammers, Anthonoy Even, Anthony Lueth, Gerrit Pearson and Maty Skinner, members of the West Central FFA Chapter will be awarded the American FFA Degree during the 87th National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY in October. Earning the degree means they are among a select group of individuals to be recognized for years of academic and professional excellence.!

The American FFA Degree is the highest award that can be bestowed upon an FFA member. Roughly 3500 members will be awarded the degree during the National FFA Convention. This represents one half of one percent of all members. The American FFA Degree recognizes demonstrated leadership ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing or service programs. To be eligible, members must have earned and productively invested $7,500 through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program in which they start, own, or hold a professional position in an existing agriculture enterprise. Recipients must also make it their mission to demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement.

Lammers, Even, Lueth, Pearson and Skinner are five of approximately 3,500 members out of more than 579,678 FFA members to earn the degree. The American FFA Degree recognition program is sponsored by Case IH, DTN, Farm Credit, Pioneer Hi-Bred and Syngenta. Their FFA Advisor is Linda Petersen.

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Team To Compete at National Level

The West Central FFA Agricultural Communications Team of Sara Waldner, Lauren Dolly, and Dean Knuth earned a berth in the National Ag Communications CDE (Career Development Event) by winning the state contest earlier this year.  The team will represent the state in October during the 87th National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY.  During the competition, Dalton Larson will compete in place of Dean Knuth.


Pictured left to right: Sara Waldner, Dean Knuth, Lauren Dolly

Agricultural Communications is one of 24 career development event areas ranging from transferable job skills in everything from communications to mechanics.  The three-member team is challenged in all areas of the communications field.  Participants attend a press conference, utilize information gathered in a team activity and complete individual practicums in design, electronic media and writing.  Students are also tested on editing and other communications skills.  CDEs help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively in a competitive job market.  The event supports student development of sound communication principles to become strong assets to the agriculture industry in the future.

The team will compete for individual scholarships and team awards worth more than $9000 made possible by the National FFA Foundation.  The team becomes the fifth team to compete in the Ag Communications CDE on the national level since the inception of the event in 2002. This team extended WCFFA’s winning streak in the Ag Comm Event capturing the state title for the third year in a row. Waldner, Dolly, Knuth, and Larson are members of the West Central FFA Chapter and are advised and coached by Linda Petersen.

Previous National Ag Comm CDE Teams from West Central included the following:   2006 – Noelle Rist, Marissa Moeller, Kristy Rosenbrook, Danielle Morrison, Chelsea Sandahl, Travis Swier. 2008 – Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Stacia Knuth, Spencer Kurtz, Tucker Smith, Riley Olson. 2012 – Liz Renner, Rachel Schartz, Melinda Knuth. 2013 – Cassie Wilebski, Matt Sebert, Kaitlyn Schmeichel, Rachel Kapperman


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Members Advance to State Competition

West Central FFA members recently competed in the District VII Leadership CDEs.  The top two teams and three individuals advance to the state level competition held in December in Pierre.


In Creed Speaking, Dalton Larson placed 3rd.

IMG_1614Paytin Sullivan placed second in Creed Speaking and second in Prepared Public Speaking.


In Ag Broadcasting Journalism, Sara Waldner placed first, and second in Job Interview.


Rachel Schartz placed first in Job Interview.

The Ag Issues team of Jake Anderson, Cody Miller, Rachel Kapperman, Kaitlyn Schmeichel, Conner Ulrich, Matt Sebert and Carson Ulrich placed first.


In Ag Sales, Noah Larson placed 3rd in individual sales.


The team of Noah, Ashlynn Henning, Layne Krier and Cody Farmer placed second.


The Market Plan team of Riley Riepma, Jared Blume and Taylor Bergeson placed second.

The Ag Communications team of Sara Waldner, Dean Knuth and Lauren Dolly placed first.


Officers were elected to lead the nine-school District for the coming year.  West Central FFA members elected are Rachel Schartz -President, Dean Knuth – Vice President, Kaitylyn Schmeichel – Reporter and Sara Waldner -Sentinel.

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Teams Compete at Nationals

Career Development Event (CDE) Teams advance to the national competition by winning their state event.  Two such teams represented West Central and the state of South Dakota at the 86th National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY.

The Ag Issues Team placed fifth in the nation and earned a Silver Team Medal.  Team members are Maty Skinner, Anthony Lueth, Taylor Bergeson, Jared Blume, Dean Knuth, Rachel Schartz and Sara Waldner.  The Ag Issues CDE requires members to research an issue of local importance and develop and present all sides or opinions of the issue.  West Central’s Ag Issues topic discussed whether or not the Federal School Lunch Regulations should be repealed.  Each team must present numerous forums to local organizations and groups outside of the school prior to competing at the national event.


Ag Issues Team front row, left to right: Rachel Schartz, Sara Waldner, Maty Skinner, and Taylor Bergeson.  Back row – Dean Knuth, Anthony Lueth, and Jared Blume

The Ag Communications CDE team of Cassie Wilebski, Rachel Kapperman, and Kaitlyn Schmeichel earned a Silver team award placing 13th in the nation.  The event challenges students’ knowledge of the journalism and communications fields through editing exercises, completing a communications quiz, developing a media plan and presentation focusing on publicizing an event or idea for a local group or organization.  Students also compete in three practicums: News Writing, Magazine Layout Design, and Social Media Strategic Plan Development.  Individual gold medals were awarded to Cassie Wilebski and Rachel Kapperman, a bronze medal was earned by Kaitlyn Schmeichel.


Pictured left to right are the Ag Communications Team of Rachel Kapperman, Cassie Wilebski, and Kaitlyn Schmeichel.



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Jackets Awarded to Members

Five members of the West Central FFA Chapter were recently awarded FFA jackets through the South Dakota FFA Foundation and local sponsors.  The blue jacket is celebrating it’s 80th anniversary of representing agricultural leadership and the FFA.  The jacket is part of the Official Dress worn by members for meetings, conventions, and competitions.  Each student completed an application consisting of several questions about the jacket and what the FFA and having their own jacket means to them.  Those earning jackets are Cody Pearson, Jared Miller, Ellie Krizan, Emma Habben, and Dalton Larson.


Pictured left to right: Ellie Krizan, Emma Habben, Jared Miller, Dalton Larson, and Cody Pearson

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