12 Earn Highest Award

Twelve West Central FFA members will be awarded the American FFA Degree during the 90th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN in October.  Earning the degree means they are among a select group of individuals to be recognized for years of academic and professional excellence!
The American FFA Degree is the highest award that can be bestowed upon an FFA member.  Roughly 3,500 of the current 629,367 members will be awarded the degree during the National FFA Convention.  This represents one half of one percent of all members.  The American FFA Degree recognizes demonstrated leadership ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing or service programs.  To be eligible, members must have earned and productively invested $7,500 through a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program in which they start, own, or hold a professional position in an existing agricultural enterprise.  Recipients must also make it their mission to demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement.  West Central FFA members earning the American FFA Degree include Quinn Hanisch, Weston Hanisch, Austin Ideker, Rachel Kapperman, Alex Klein, Erica Lorang, Jordan Lueth, Cody Pearson, Cory Smith, Ryan Titus, and Kyle Vockrodt
The American FFA Degree Recognition program is sponsored by Case IH, Elanco, and Syngenta.  The West Central FFA is advised by Linda Petersen.
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West Central FFA Member Elected to Lead the State Association

West Central FFA member Dalton Larson was elected to serve as the State FFA President during the South Dakota State FFA Convention.

Dalton LarsonLarson participated in many hours of interviews before a nominating committee.  Each question posed by the committee is designed to assess a members’ skill level in a particular behavioral trait such as integrity, character, and work ethic.  Members are also tested on agricultural and FFA knowledge as well as their ability to work cooperatively in a group. More than 20 FFA members from across the state were among the candidates considered by the nominating committee to serve as one of the 6 members of the 2017-18 South Dakota State FFA Officer Team.  As the State FFA President, Dalton Larson will work with his fellow team mates to lead the work of the state organization for the next year.  Larson will attend the National FFA’s State President’s Conference in Washington, D.C. this summer. State officers will travel across the state to work with members, agricultural education teachers and FFA advisors, and will meet with agricultural business and industry leaders to advocate for the agriculture industry.  Dalton is the son of Kevin and Patty Larson and will attend SDSU to pursue a Pre-Vet degree beginning this fall.  Larson is the 5th WCFFA member to serve as a state officer.  His FFA Advisor is Linda Petersen, West Central Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor.

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Humboldt Threshing Show and Scholarship

The Humboldt “Old Fashion Threshing Show” will be awarding two $1000 scholarships to West Central FFA members who have volunteered their time at the show for two or more years.  One scholarship will go to a boy and one to a girl.  The application is due postmarked October 1, 2017.  The application is below.

The Threshing Show is Friday through Sunday, August 11 – 13. The site is located 3 1/4 miles south of Humboldt on  Highway 19.

Hours for the Threshing Show are:

Friday – Tractor pull 4 p.m.
Saturday – 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday – 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Be sure to sign in at the camper when you arrive and leave.

More information will be available on the Threshing Show Facebook page.


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Ag Issues Team Presents to Legislature


Members present before the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.  Pictured left to right: Branzon Underwood, Derick Petersn Hunter Wilebski, Ellie Stone, Ellie Krizan, Tiffany Rausch, and Cossette Ulrich.

The West Central FFA Ag Issues Team recently traveled to Pierre where they delivered their Ag Issues presentation entitled “The Dakota Access Pipeline:  Good or Evil?”  The team was invited to present before both the House and Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committees. Each appearance was followed by questions and comments from members of the committees.  Members of both the House and Senate committees discussed the importance of advocacy in agriculture with the team and commended them on their research and performance. The Ag Issues team earned a berth to the National Ag Issues Career Development Event by winning the state title in December. The national competition will take place during the 90th National FFA Convention this October in Indianapolis, IN.

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Members Apply for State’s Highest Degree

Fourteen WCFFA members will be awarded the State FFA Degree.  The State Degree is the highest award that can be bestowed upon a member at the state level.  Those earning the degree are Nichole Axelson, Trey Struck, Ellie Krizan, McKenzie Henning, Aaron Mallinger, Devin DeMent, Jared Miller, Braydon Johnson, Emma Lewis, Joe Hanisch, Grant Linneman, Tyndall Petterson, Carson Ulrich, and Dalton Larson.  The Degree will be awarded during the South Dakota State FFA Convention this coming April on the campus of SDSU.

The State will select and award four Star Awards for those members with exceptional Supervised Agricultural Experiences.  Dalton Larson has been  named the District VII Star in Agribusiness.

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State Leadership CDEs

On December 4-5 2016, nearly 500 FFA members from across South Dakota met in Pierre for the State FFA Leadership Career Development Events (CDEs). FFA members and chapters were recognized for their success in 11 leadership areas. Students qualified through district competitions, advancing the top two teams and top three individuals from each of the seven FFA districts. State-winning teams and individuals now advance to the National FFA Career Development Events in Indianapolis next fall.

Congratulations to the following FFA members who competed in the State Leadership CDEs this week in Pierre.

The Job Interview CDE challenges FFA members to complete a job application, write a letter of application and resume, participate in an actual interview and compose a follow-up letter. Our sponsor is the South Dakota Department of Agriculture. The winning travel scholarship is sponsored by Kindra Gordon and Three Corners Agency, Inc. – Melissa Stearns, Agent.  Dalton Larson placed 3rd in Job Interview


Pictured Sadie Vander Wal – Northwestern Area Bridger Gordon – Sturgis, Dalton Larson – West Central

Ag Sales team members work together to develop a strategy for selling pre-determined products to specific customer scenarios. Participants also practice their individual sales skills by selling an agricultural product to a customer. This event is sponsored by Eastern Farmers Cooperative. The winning travel scholarship is sponsored by Eastern Farmers Cooperative and Curry Seeds. The Ag Sales team of Dalton Larson, Tyndall Petterson, Blair Lammers and Sean Husman placed 3rd.

In Ag Broadcasting/Journalism, students have 30 minutes to prepare a five-minute agricultural radio newscast and then “air” it. This event is sponsored by Ludens Implement.  Isak Edwards placed 5th in Ag Broadcasting

In Ag Communications, teams of students play the role of communications consultants to develop and present a media plan for an assigned scenario. Members also complete Editing and Communications tests. This event is sponsored by the South Dakota Broadcasters Association.  The winning travel scholarship is sponsored by Dakota Farm talk.  The Ag Communications Team of Emma Lewis, Jacob Harden, Carson Ulrich, and Lauryn Riepma placed first.


Pictured: Carson Ulrich, Jacob Harden, Lauryn Riepma, Emma Lewis, Linda Petersen – Ag Ed Instructor and FFA Advisor.

In Ag Issues, a team of 3-7 students discuss the pros and cons of a major agricultural issue facing their area. The sponsor is South Dakota Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers and the state winning team travel scholarship is sponsored by by South Dakota Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers and Dakota Risk Management.  The Ag Issues team of Ellie Krizan, Tiffany Rausch, Cossette Ulrich, Gabe Lorang, Hunter Wilebski, Jared Miller, and Branzon Underwood also placed first.

Pictured:  Front – Gabe Lorang. Standing left to right: Branzon Underwood, Hunter Wilebski, Jared Miller, Tiffany Rausch, Ellie Krizan, Cossette Ulrich, Linda Petersen -Ag Ed Instructor and FFA Advisor

First place teams and individuals advance to the National CDEs!

Congratulations to all, your hard work and dedication paid off!

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District Leadership Career Development Events

Congratulations to the following FFA members who competed against 10 area schools at the District Level on November 14, 2016 and advance to state competition.

In Ag Broadcasting – 2nd place Isak Edwards, 3rd place Zach Brown

In Ag Sales – first place team of Dalton Larson, Blair Lammers, Tyndall Petterson, and Sean Husman

In Public Speaking – 3rd place Taylor McMartin

In Job Interview – 1st place Dalton Larson, 3rd place Carter Ulrich

In Ag Communications – 1st place team of Emma Lewis, Jacob Harden, Lauryn Riepma, and Carson Ulrich

In Market Plan – 2nd place team of Nichole Axelson, Sam Bergeson, and Kenzie Henning

In Ag Issues – 1st place team of Gabe Lorang, Ellie Krizan, Jared Miller, Hunter Wilebski, Tiffany Rausch, Branzon Underwood, and Cossette Ulrich

Congratulations to the following West Central FFA members who were elected to serve as District 7 officers for the coming year:

Sentinel – Gabe Lorang

Treasurer – Tiffany Rausch

President – Blair Lammers

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Members Put Leadership Skills to the Test

Congratulations to the following WCFFA members who competed at the Jackrabbit Invitational in Brookings.  There were 28 schools competing.

In Ag Broadcasting – Zach Brown and Isak Edwards advance to District Competition.

In Ag Communications – the team of Jake Harden, Emma Lewis, Lauryn Riepma, and Carson Ulrich placed 2nd

In Ag Issues the team of Ellie Krizan, Gabe Lorang, Jared Miller, Tiffany Rausch, Cossette Ulrich, Branzon Underwood, and Hunter Wilebski placed 1st

In Ag Sales – the team of Tyndall Petterson, Sean Husman, and Dalton Larson advanced to Districts

In Creed Speaking Lindsey Kapperman and Isabel Hanisch advance to Districts

In Extemp Speaking Cassia Olson advanced to Districts

In Job Interview: Dalton Larson Placed 1st and Carter Ulrich placed 5th

The Market Plan team of McKenzie Henning, Nichole Axelson and Sam Bergeson placed 3rd.

In Public Speaking Lindsey Kapperman and Taylor McMartin advance to Districts.

The District Leadership CDEs will be held on November 14th where members will compete for a berth in the state competition.

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Renner Named American Star in Agriscience


FFA members from Oklahoma, Minnesota and South Dakota earned the most prestigious honor awarded to a student by the National FFA Organization Thursday at the 89th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis.

The American Star awards – including the American Star Farmer, American Star in Agribusiness, American Star in Agricultural Placement and American Star in Agriscience – are awarded to FFA members who demonstrate outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through completion of a supervised agricultural experience. A required activity in FFA, an SAE allows students to learn by doing by either owning or operating an agricultural business, working or serving in an internship at an agriculture-based business or conducting an agriculture-based scientific experiment and reporting results.

This year’s winners are:

  • American Star Farmer: Tyler Jacob Schnaithman, Garber FFA Chapter, Oklahoma More
  • American Star in Agribusiness: Shane A. Mueller, Garretson FFA Chapter, South Dakota More
  • American Star in Agricultural Placement: Brett K. Petersen, Kerkhoven Murdock Sunburg-KMS FFA Chapter, Minnesota More
  • American Star in Agriscience: Elizabeth A. Renner, West Central FFA Chapter, South Dakota More

For as long as she can remember, Elizabeth Renner of Crooks, S.D., has been fascinated by the critters that inhabit aquatic areas. In fact, the West Central FFA member fondly recalls exploring the fields and streams in her area and examining all of the different insects and organisms.

Her love for scientific research continued to grow as she became older, and today, she has been named a 2016 American Star in Agriscience, one of the most prestigious honors awarded to a student by the National FFA Organization.

Renner’s first opportunity to do scientific research on aquatic organisms came through her involvement in an FFA Agriscience Fair during her freshman year. Her scientific explorations continued through high school and even included an internship with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Following her freshman year in college, she conducted research with a professor on historic plant communities to see how ecosystems changed following the arrival of European settlers. During the summer of her sophomore year, she conducted stream surveys at bridge and box culvert construction sites for the South Dakota Department of Transportation.

She followed this experience by working in a stream ecology laboratory at an Alaskan nonprofit dedicated to protecting salmon streams within the Cook Inlet watershed. Today, the Augustana University senior plans to study how climate change influences stream organisms.

She plans to earn a doctorate in aquatic ecology and conduct research on aquatic ecosystems as an environmental consultant to federal agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Environmental Protection Agency. She also feels called to educate the general public about the importance of aquatic organisms and wetlands for the health of communities.

Each year at the National FFA Convention & Expo, four FFA members are honored with American Star Awards for outstanding accomplishments in FFA and agricultural education.

The American Star Awards, including American Star Farmer, American Star in Agribusiness, American Star in Agricultural Placement and American Star in Agriscience, are presented to FFA members who demonstrate outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through completion of a supervised agricultural experience. A required activity in FFA, an SAE allows students to learn by doing, either by owning and operating an agricultural business, working or serving an internship at an agriculture-based business or conducting an agriculture-based scientific experiment and reporting results.

Other requirements to achieve the award include demonstrating top management skills; completing key agricultural education, scholastic and leadership requirements; and earning an American FFA Degree, the organization’s highest level of student accomplishment.

Sixteen American Star Award finalists from throughout the U.S. are nominated by a panel of judges who then interview the finalists during the national convention and expo. Four are named winners and receive cash awards totaling $4,000. All American Star finalists receive a $2,000 cash award. The American Star Awards are sponsored by ADM Crop Risk Services, Case IH, Elanco Animal Health, Farm Credit and Syngenta as a special project of the National FFA Foundation.

Renner is the daughter of Tim and Karin Renner. She is a member of the West Central FFA Chapter, led by advisor Linda Petersen.

Other requirements to achieve the award include demonstrating top management skills; completing key agricultural education, scholastic and leadership requirements; and earning an American FFA Degree, the organization’s highest level of student accomplishment.

Sixteen American Star award finalists from throughout the United States are nominated for a panel of judges to interview during the national convention and expo. Four are named winners and receive cash awards totaling $4,000. All American Star finalists receive a $2,000 cash award. The Star Over America Awards are sponsored by ADM Crop Risk Services; Case IH; Elanco Animal Health; Farm Credit and Syngenta.

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 649,355 student members who belong to one of 7.859 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

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National FFA Organization Names South Dakota Resident 2016 American Star in Agriscience Finalist


For as long as she can remember, Elizabeth Renner of Crooks, S.D., has been fascinated by the critters that inhabit aquatic areas. In fact, the West Central FFA member fondly recalls exploring the fields and streams in her area and examining all of the different insects and organisms.

Her love for scientific research continued to grow as she became older, and today, she has been named a 2016 finalist for the American Star in Agriscience, one of the most prestigious honors awarded to a student by the National FFA Organization.

Renner’s first opportunity to do scientific research on aquatic organisms came through her involvement in an FFA Agriscience Fair during her freshman year. Her scientific explorations continued through high school and even included an internship with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Following her freshman year in college, she conducted research with a professor on historic plant communities to see how ecosystems changed following the arrival of European settlers. During the summer of her sophomore year, she conducted stream surveys at bridge and box culvert construction sites for the South Dakota Department of Transportation.

She followed this experience by working in a stream ecology laboratory at an Alaskan nonprofit dedicated to protecting salmon streams within the Cook Inlet watershed. Today, the Augustana University senior plans to study how climate change influences stream organisms.

She plans to earn a doctorate in aquatic ecology and conduct research on aquatic ecosystems as an environmental consultant to federal agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Environmental Protection Agency. She also feels called to educate the general public about the importance of aquatic organisms and wetlands for the health of communities.

Each year at the National FFA Convention & Expo, four FFA members are honored with American Star Awards for outstanding accomplishments in FFA and agricultural education.

The American Star Awards, including American Star Farmer, American Star in Agribusiness, American Star in Agricultural Placement and American Star in Agriscience, are presented to FFA members who demonstrate outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through completion of a supervised agricultural experience. A required activity in FFA, an SAE allows students to learn by doing, either by owning and operating an agricultural business, working or serving an internship at an agriculture-based business or conducting an agriculture-based scientific experiment and reporting results.

Other requirements to achieve the award include demonstrating top management skills; completing key agricultural education, scholastic and leadership requirements; and earning an American FFA Degree, the organization’s highest level of student accomplishment.

Sixteen American Star Award finalists from throughout the U.S. are nominated by a panel of judges who then interview the finalists during the national convention and expo. Four are named winners and receive cash awards totaling $4,000. All American Star finalists receive a $2,000 cash award. The American Star Awards are sponsored by ADM Crop Risk Services, Case IH, Elanco Animal Health, Farm Credit and Syngenta as a special project of the National FFA Foundation.

Judging will occur in Indianapolis during the 89th National FFA Convention & Expo, Oct. 19-22, with the winners being announced during an onstage ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 20.

Renner is the daughter of Tim and Karin Renner. She is a member of the West Central FFA Chapter, led by advisor Linda Petersen.

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 629,367 student members who belong to one of 7,757 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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