A Letter from Tucker’s Family

We received this letter from Tucker’s family. We’d like to share it here because the community has been such a big part of the success of Tucker Tuesday. The support you’ve given is limitless and so appreciated.

“To the staff and students of West Central,

I am sending a message to the amazing staff and students of West Central on behalf of the family of Tucker Smith. My name is Tara and I am Tuckers older sister as well as a graduate of West Central. As you know my little brother Tucker was hospitalized recently with a very serious condition. During his stay at Avera first in the ICU then in a recovery ward the support that we received from all of you was amazing. I cannot express in words the gratitude that we felt every time someone visited, called, texted or even left a message on Facebook.

One of the nurses said it best when she said the support you give is just as good, if not better medicine than anything that he could receive in the hospital. I don’t believe it was a coincidence that as his mood and spirits were lifted by you that his health improved also. It is a terrifying experience to watch helpless as someone you love suffers in pain. It was an overwhelming experience to witness the love and support that so many people expressed for my brother. It made me more proud than I have ever been to be a part of the West Central community.

As you know Tuckers life long dream of playing college football is no longer a reality. What you have done today to ensure his future leaves us me at a loss for words. All I can say is Thank You. Thank you for taking my brother in your arms and keeping him in your prayers. Thank you for coming to the hospital during the hardest times. Thank you for never letting him forget how loved he really is. Thank you for reminding all of us what it means to be a part of the West Central family and what it means to be a Trojan.

Tara Smith”

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Tucker Tuesday Preparations

We are busy with preparations for Tucker Tuesday.  We snapped a few shots to share what we’ve been working on.


Tucker’s banner hanging in the commons


Goodbye “Cherylbration” (our last big fundraiser) Hello “Tucker Tuesday”.


Continued remodel of the sandwich board sign


I wish the sign was this cool in the end.  I just love how this picture came out!


We’re live on the school marquee:

The “21? is larger because of the neat coincidence that Tucker’s football number is 21 and the event is being held on the 21st.



All donations will help to defray Tucker’s medical expenses.  You can donate to Tucker Tuesday by bringing or mailing your donation to the high school or use the handy donate button on the right sidebar.

Thank you so much for your support of Tucker, his family and the West Central FFA Chapter.

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Tucker Tuesday


Tuesday, December 21, 2010 has been proclaimed “Tucker Tuesday” at West Central High School.  We will be helping to raise funds to help with Tucker Smith’s medical expenses.

On Monday, December 13, 2010, Tucker was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Avera Hospital in Sioux Falls.  After three days of surgical procedures, Tucker was released on Thursday from ICU and moved to a regular hospital room.  Tucker will remain hospitalized at least through December 23, 2010.

Tucker has been an integral member of the West Central Student body.  Active as a member of the varsity football team, a mentor, member of the Homecoming Court for 2010 and an active member of the West Central FFA.  Tucker was a member of the state winning Ag Communications team in 2008 that advanced to national competition in 2009.

The primary objective of “Tucker Tuesday” is to help raise funds to defray Tucker’s medical expenses.  Once released from the hospital, Tucker will remain on some rather costly medications indefinitely.

It’s time, West Central, to get behind one of our own and help Tucker and his family to celebrate the holidays with a few less worries.

Donations may be made to “Tucker Tuesday” by sending them to the West Central FFA or the West Central Letter Club in care of West Central High School, P.O.  Box 730, Hartford, SD 57033.  You may also donate quickly by using the “Donate” button on the right sidebar or at the bottom of this post.

Thank you for your continued support of the West Central FFA Chapter and especially of Tucker during this time of need!

**Update – Tucker’s doctors have informed him that he will no longer be able to play football.  He had been hoping for a football scholarship to college in the fall.
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State Leadership CDE’s

West Central FFA members recently represented the chapter and District VII at the State FFA Leadership CDE’s in Pierre.  Members earned a berth in the state events by qualifying in the District CDE’s held in November at West Central.  Nine area schools comprise District VII.


Members toured the capitol while in Pierre.  Pictured from left to right are – front row – Maty Skinner, Liz Renner, Breanna Gray and Shannon Miller.  Back row – Austin Wolfe, Melinda Knuth, Tucker Smith, Brooke Pearson, Jeremy Nettifee, Syd Howey, Spencer Kurtz, Stacia Knuth, Joe Schartz, Anthony Even and Dan Kapperman

Congratulations to the following FFA members who competed in the State Leadership CDE’s in Pierre on Sunday and Monday.  Placings are as follows:

In prepared public speaking – Joe Schartz 7th

Market Plan team of Melinda Knuth, Spencer Kurtz and Stacia Knuth – 5th

Ag Communications team of Syd Howey, Melinda Knuth, Jeremy Nettifee, Brooke Pearson and Tucker Smith – 3rd Place

Job Interview – Brooke Pearson 4th, Shannon Miller 2nd

Extemporaneous Speaking – Liz Renner – 2nd

Ag Issues team of Maty Skinner, Liz Renner, Breanna Gray, Dan Kapperman, Anthony Even, Joe Schartz and Shannon Miller – 2nd.

First place teams and individuals advance to national competition next October during the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.

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Wishing Wyatt Well!


West Central FFA members recently attended a reception for National FFA Vice President Wyatt DeJong.  For Wyatt DeJong, home is where the heart is; but, his home happens to be a 7,000-acre cattle ranch in South Dakota.  From a young age on the ranch his experiences instilled in him a belief in the future of agriculture, transforming him into an advocate for agriculture.  For the next year, the Winner High School FFA Chapter member from Winner, S.D., will motivate and inspire more than 500,000 fellow FFA members as the 2010-2011 National FFA Central Region Vice President. He was elected to that office at the 83rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. He is among six individuals selected from a field of 36 to hold a national office. He is the son of Miles and Kim, and his FFA advisor is Clay Ewing.

Fulfilling his position will require traveling more than 100,000 miles; meeting top leaders in business, government and education; visiting approximately 40 states; and participating in an international experience tour to Japan. His responsibilities will include providing personal growth and leadership training for students, setting policies that shape the future of the organization and promoting agricultural literacy.

The national FFA officer selection process is intense and represents an assessment of years of academic and extracurricular accomplishments made by each student running for office. Nominees must first qualify on the state level to represent their particular state FFA associations. They then submit a thorough application, detailing their accomplishments and contributions to the community, along with an essay explaining their desire to be elected to national office. Once at the convention, candidates participate in five rounds of interviews, take an in-depth written test on the organization and agricultural education topics and complete two writing exercises.

DeJong attends South Dakota State University in Brookings, S.D., with a major in agricultural education and animal science.  “I have come to realize that I can show others they can succeed in a powerful way,” DeJong says about his FFA experiences. “By giving everything that I have, the FFA has shown me how I can let myself shine so that others can unlock themselves to the beauty inside each of them and shine even brighter.” With a personal mission to make an impact, not just an impression, DeJong says he has “a much bigger purpose in life – adding values to others instead of focusing on myself.


Hearty discussion during the reception.


Taking a break for a few refreshments


Wyatt taking a moment to visit with college friends one last time before heading back to Indianapolis for training.


Wyatt spent a few minutes reflecting on his blessings and saying a lot of thank yous to friends, family and mentors.


A few last words of encouragement between two friends and mentors.

Follow some of Wyatt’s adventures during his year of service to the FFA and American Agriculture on his blog.

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WCFFA and Hartford Fire and Rescue Host Bloodmobile

If it’s the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week, you know that you’ll find the bloodmobile parked outside of West Central High School.  The semi-annual blood drive was held November 24, 2010 and was sponsored by the West Central FFA Chapter in cooperation with Hartford Fire and Rescue.


44 students and community members rolled up their sleeves to provide life saving gifts to 132 area patients.

Only 5% of eligible people donate blood.  On average 100 units are needed every day.  8 out of 10 of us will need blood or blood products in our lifetime.  You may donate every 56 days.

Donors have other benefits other than the satisfaction of helping save a life and the cookies afterward.  Studies have shown that most men and menopausal women who give blood two to three times a year, also reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the iron stored in their blood.  Donors not only help save the lives of others, they may help save their own as well.

The bloodmobile will return to West Central again on Wednesday, May 4, 2011.

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District VII Officers Elected

The District VII Leadership CDE’s were held at West Central High School on November 15, 2010.  FFA members from nine area schools competed in the events.  The top three individuals in each individual event and the top two teams in team events advance to state competition in December.

West Central FFA was well represented with members competing in Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, Ag Broadcasting, Ag Sales, Job Interview, Ag Communications, Market Plan and Ag Issues.

Those advancing to the State Leadership CDE’s include:  Liz Renner, placing second in Extemporaneous Speaking.  In Prepared Public Speaking, Joe Schartz placed first and Stacia Knuth placed 3rd.
Joe Schartz picturedwith KileyKaufman, State FFA Secretary and Dani Busselman, State FFA Reporter as he is awarded with the first place plaque for Prepared Public Speaking.


In Job Interview; Brooke Pearson placed first followed in second place by Shannon Miller.

The Market Plan team of Melinda Knuth, Spencer Kurtz and Stacia Knuth placed second and will compete in the state CDE’s with their plan for the LWPP – Learning With Plants Program.

The team of  Brooke Pearson, Melinda Knuth, Sydnie Howey, Jeremy Nettifee, and Tucker Smith won first place in the Ag Communications team event.  Not pictured: Tucker Smith.

The Ag Issues Team captured first place with their presentation of research on cloning and its place in agriculture.

Pictured with State FFA Secretary Kiley Kaufman are Liz Renner, Shannon Miller, Joe Schartz, Anthony Even, Dan Kapperman, Breanna Gray and Maty Skinner.

State Leadership CDE’s will be held December 5 and 6 in Pierre with state winners advancing to represent the state in the National Career Developments next October at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

Alternated to the State Leadership CDE’s include Jorry Lammers in Ag Sales and Denise Johnson in Creed Speaking.

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District VII Leadership CDE’s

The District VII Leadership CDE’s were held at West Central High School on November 15, 2010.  FFA members from nine area schools competed in the events.  The top three individuals in each individual event and the top two teams in team events advance to state competition in December.

West Central FFA was well represented with members competing in Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, Ag Broadcasting, Ag Sales, Job Interview, Ag Communications, Market Plan and Ag Issues.

Those advancing to the State Leadership CDE’s include:  Liz Renner, placing second in Extemporaneous Speaking.  In Prepared Public Speaking, Joe Schartz placed first and Stacia Knuth placed 3rd.
Joe Schartz picturedwith KileyKaufman, State FFA Secretary and Dani Busselman, State FFA Reporter as he is awarded with the first place plaque for Prepared Public Speaking.


In Job Interview; Brooke Pearson placed first followed in second place by Shannon Miller.

The Market Plan team of Melinda Knuth, Spencer Kurtz and Stacia Knuth placed second and will compete in the state CDE’s with their plan for the LWPP – Learning With Plants Program.

The team of  Brooke Pearson, Melinda Knuth, Sydnie Howey, Jeremy Nettifee, and Tucker Smith won first place in the Ag Communications team event.  Not pictured: Tucker Smith.

The Ag Issues Team captured first place with their presentation of research on cloning and its place in agriculture.

Pictured with State FFA Secretary Kiley Kaufman are Liz Renner, Shannon Miller, Joe Schartz, Anthony Even, Dan Kapperman, Breanna Gray and Maty Skinner.

State Leadership CDE’s will be held December 5 and 6 in Pierre with state winners advancing to represent the state in the National Career Developments next October at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

Alternated to the State Leadership CDE’s include Jorry Lammers in Ag Sales and Denise Johnson in Creed Speaking.

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Does Cloning Have a Place in Agriculture?

The West Central FFA Ag Issues team is asking the question, does cloning have a place in agriculture?  The Ag Issues Career Development Event (CDE) is a competitive activity that tests students’ knowledge of agricultural issues and evaluates how well they can apply classroom knowledge to real -life situations. To compete in the Ag Issues Forum teams must design a presentation that addresses multiple viewpoints of a contemporary agricultural issue and present it to a number of audiences in their community.

The Ag Issues Team is composed of Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Anthony Even, Dan Kapperman, Breanna Gray, Liz Renner and Maty Skinner. The team recently presented their viewpoints and opinions on cloning and its place in American agriculture to the kick off meeting of the West Central FFA Alumni as well as after the church service at Zion Lutheran Church.


The team will be presenting at Hematech, Ag United, South Dakota Corn Growers, South Dakota Soybean and South Dakota Pork in the coming days.

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Jackrabbit Invitational Results

Twenty five members of the West Central FFA Chapter recently competed in Career Development Events (CDE) in Brookings at the Jackrabbit Invitational sponsored by the SDSU Collegiate FFA Organization. Thirty schools were represented in the competition which tested members abilities in 11 different Leadership CDE’s including individual events as well as team events.


Pictured left to right front row: Breanna Gray, Shannon Miller, Brooke Pearson, Maty Skinner and Liz Renner

Second row: Stacia Knuth, Katie Stahl, BreeAnn Albers, Melinda Knuth, Kailey Kuhnert, Ellie Peterson, Syd Howey and Gerrit Pearson.

Back row: Jorry Lammers, Jenna Lewis, Olivia Lundquist, Annie Misar, Denise Johnson, Joe Schartz, Spencer Kurtz, Jeremy  Nettifee, Dan Kapperman, Austin Wolfe, Tucker Smith and Anthony Even.

West Central FFA members placed as follows:

Prepared Public Speaking
Stacia Knuth 3rd
Joe Schartz 5th

Job Interview
Brooke Pearson – 3rd
Shannon Miller – 6th
Maty Skinner – 7th
Jeremy Nettifee – 10th

Ag Sales
Jorry Lammers – 2nd
Gerrit Pearson – 12th

Creed Speaking
Denise Johnson – 28th

Ag Communications
Team 1 of Syd Howey, Brooke Pearson, Jeremy Nettifee, Melinda Knuth and Tucker Smith placed 2nd

Team 2 of Olivia Lundquist, Annie Misar, Jenna Lewis, Katie Stahl and BreeAnn Albers placed 3rd

Ag Issues
Team of Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Anthony Even, Dan Kapperman, Maty Skinner, Liz Renner and Breanna Gray – placed 1st

Market Plan
Team of Stacia Knuth, Spencer Kurtz and Melinda Knuth placed 8th

The top two individuals in events and one team per school will compete in the District Leadership CDE’s on November 15th for a chance to advance to state competition in Pierre in early December.

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