District VII Production CDE Results

West Central FFA members competed in the District VII Production CDEs recently.  The district is composed of nine area schools.

In Floriculture,  Melinda Knuth placed 2nd, Sydnie Howey placed 4th and Sarah Eich 6th.  As a team they placed 1st.

In Ag Mechanics – Jeremy Nettifee placed 2nd.

In Meats – Sami Galliger 3rd

In Food Science – Stacia Knuth – 3rd

In Nursery Landscape – Jenna Lewis – 5th, Rachel Noonan – 6th.

In Horse Evaluation – Chrissy Becker 3rd place.

In Natural Resources – Riley Olson placed 6th.

Members will compete in the Lennox CDEs later in March and will advance to the State CDEs during the State FFA Convention April 10-12, 2011 in Brookings.

Submitted by Brooke Pearson


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TriValley CDE Results

On March 14th West Central FFA members attended the Tri-Valley CDEs. Jeremy Nettifee, an Ag Mechanics wizard, placed third individually. “It’s awesome getting third considering how big the contest is, and I’m glad my hard work is helping me to succeed,” stated Jeremy Nettifee. However, Nettifee wasn’t the only one who saw success. In Floriculture Melinda Knuth placed fourth individually. Knuth also helped the floriculture team place fifth overall. The team included Melinda Knuth, Sydnie Howey, Sarah Eich, and Maty Skinner. After the competition Knuth expressed her excitement, “It is pretty cool to know that you’re mastering the concepts know what you’re doing. I’m glad that all the studying and practice are paying off.”  The West Central Horse Judging team also placed fourth overall. The team included Chrisy Becker, Jorry Lammers, and Breanna Grey. Other finishes included Stacia Knuth who roped in a 22nd place finish out of 57 in Food Science, Riley Olson who placed 24th out of 133 people in Natural Resources, and Chrisy Becker who placed 7th in Horse Judging.  Over all the West Central FFA did a great job.

Submitted by Kelsey Wagner and Sami Galliger

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Schartz One of Ten National Essay Contest Winners


Joe Schartz recently submitted a 500 word essay for the Tractor Supply “No Limits” Essay Contest. The competition was held in conjunction with National FFA Week; February 20-26, 2011.

We are excited to share the text of Joe’s winning essay with you here:

“FedEx founder Frederick Smith once said, “Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something.” In my case, overcoming that fear wasn’t easy. I, like 75 percent of the world’s population, was terrified of public speaking. Thanks to hours of practice, the efforts of my FFA instructor and the support of my FFA family, the fear was not only erased, it became a passion of mine that I wouldn’t give up for the world.

It all began my freshman year when I signed up for a Natural Resources class and paid my FFA dues. I joined our school’s Agricultural Communications team, a Career Development Event in which team members publicize an event and present their advertising plan to a panel of judges. The event we chose was a breast cancer fundraiser for a teacher at our school. What started as a half-hearted attempt turned into a committed pursuit to excel.

My team members and I learned many life lessons about leadership, delegation, dedication, responsibility, and accountability, as well as the practical applications of speaking, advertising, and management. Our young team of freshmen and sophomores continued to work hard, winning the state competition and advancing to the national level in Indianapolis.

It was an experience I will never forget. The competition allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone, and make some of my best friends. My involvement in FFA didn’t end with Agricultural Communications. I continued to pursue the excellence defined by the FFA mission of achieving premiere leadership, personal growth, and career success. With the help of my dad, I started my own Holstein calf operation on our farm. We continued to raise sheep as we have done for many years, and these experiences allowed me to apply for the Star Greenhand Award given to first year FFA members.

I also successfully ran for chapter and district office, which has provided additional opportunities to work as a team pursuing a common goal. As I have worked with my sheep and cattle, FFA has taught me the importance of record keeping. In my current FFA class, Agricultural Leadership, students compile and maintain a records system that includes the hours we put into our projects, our income, skills acquired, assets, and liabilities. This skill is one any person should make use of, but no other class gives us the opportunity to learn these real-life lessons.

These are just a few of the areas in which FFA has helped me grow. The first line of the FFA creed speaks of a “belief in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds.” FFA is allowing us to do real-life things, not just read about them. My future undoubtedly holds a career that will require public speaking, and thanks to FFA, the “ear of failure” is no longer there. The fear has been replaced with a driving pursuit of excellence.”

Joe’s prize will be his choice of a new Carhart Jacket or a $100 gift card from Tractor Supply Company.  Congratulations Joe!

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CDE Season in Full Swing

WCFFA members are busy preparing for and competing in CDEs (Career Development Events) during the spring months.

Career opportunities abound within today’s agriculture industry. CDEs help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively in a competitive job market.

There are 24 CDEs, covering job skills in everything from communications to mechanics. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams.

Over 50 members recently traveled to CDEs held in Howard. Members are starting the Production CDE with success! The Natural Resources Team of Riley Olson, Chelsea Munce, Ethan Schumacher and Cam Green placed 3rd as a team with Riley placing among the top 10 individuals.

In Floriculture Melinda Knuth placed 6th and Sydnie Howey placed 10th.

The Equine (Horse) Evaluation Team of Jorry Lammers, Chrissy Becker and Breanna Gray ranked 4th as a team.

In Meats; the team of Sami Galliger, Tiffany Hanisch, Liz Renner and Kelsey Wagner placed 4th.

Members will compete in CDEs at Tri Valley, Flandreau and Lennox in preparation for the State CDEs which will be held in conjunction with the State FFA Convention April 10-12 in Brookings. State winning teams advance to national competition in Indianapolis, IN during the National FFA Convention in October.

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Renner Submits Ag Day Essay

Liz Renner recently submitted an essay for the Ag Day Essay Competition.  This year’s theme is “American Agriculture, Your Food. Your Farmer.”  The contest is sponsored by Cennex Harvest States and the Agriculture Council of America.

The national written essay winner receives a $1,000 prize and round-trip ticket to Washington, D.C., for recognition during the Celebration of Ag Dinner held March 15 at Whitten Patio at the USDA. During dinner, the winner will have the opportunity to read the winning essay as well as join with industry representatives, members of Congress, federal agency representatives, media and other friends in a festive ag celebration. The video essay winner wins a $1,000 prize, and the winning video will play during the Celebration of Ag Dinner.

Here is the essay that Liz wrote and submitted for the contest:

“Farmers. They are our neighbors and our friends. They are the honest, hard- working, and reliable men and women who are devoted to producing our nation’s food and fiber. In a 1785 letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bands” (“Founding Fathers” par. 3) Two centuries later, today’s American farmers are growing the future of our country. From cultivating the soil to cultivating the hearts of the next generation–my generation–of agriculturalists, farmers make up the vital backbone of the country’s economy and society.

I am proud to say that when I walk into a grocery store, I can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, and eggs grown and raised by producers right here in South Dakota instead of commodities shipped in from other states or foreign countries. I want to know where the food that I consume is coming from. Therefore, I make the choice to shop at a new local food co-op that sells fruits, vegetables and meat grown and raised by thirty area farmers. It gives me peace of mind to know that my food is safe and of high-quality because the folks that grew it take pride in the food that they produce. I am glad to support these farmers because they contribute to a nutritious, affordable, and stable food supply.

As the world’s population grows at an incredible rate, farmers and scientists here in the United States are working together to find ways to produce higher yields using less water and fewer chemicals. Besides trying to combat world hunger, farmers are also working to care for the Earth. In my home state, for example, farmers are taking the initiative to protect the environment by planting cover crops and practicing crop rotation because they know the importance of taking care of the land. As consumers, we need to make environmentally- conscious decisions to support farmers who are implementing eco-friendly practices in theirfields and on their farms. In conclusion, farmers work tirelessly to make our trip to the grocery store more economically reasonable.”

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Members Work Behind the Scenes for Valentine’s Day


Several West Central FFA members were hired on as seasonal help at North American Wholesale Florist in Sioux Falls.  Students worked long hours after school an on the weekends prior to the holiday.


Roses are the most popular flower for Valentine’s Day.  Melinda Knuth strips the leaves and thorns from a rose.  The rose will then be paired with Baby’s Breath and placed in a sleeve for packaging and shipping to the retailer.


Ryan Serrao opens packages of roses that have been shipped to the wholesaler from flower producers all over the world.  Most roses are pruned to be the most productive for this one holiday.


Floral arranging staff works to mass produce arrangements that will be offered for sale at various retail locations throughout the country.  Finished arrangements are placed on a cart and wheeled into the cooler.  They are carefully wrapped and packed in shipping boxes prior to delivery trucks heading out.


As flowers arrive from producers around the globe they must be unpacked and processed to help to ensure their long life in the hands of the consumer.


Each bundle of flowers is given a fresh cut of the stems to open up the capillaries and help the stems to draw up water.


Freshly cut bundles are placed in large containers with a floral preservative solution in them.  The preservative helps the flowers to rehydrate and cancels the effects of shipping.


Processed flowers are inventoried, checked for damage or deterioration and placed in the cooler.


NAWFI has a two story cooler.  The lower level contains product that is loaded on trucks to deliver to retail florists.  The upper level contains products coming from the Bouquet Shop where arrangements are created for distribution to retail outlets.

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Members Submit State Degree Applications

Eleven West Central FFA members recently competed their State FFA Degree Applications.  The State Degree is the highest award a member can receive on the state level.  The award is based on the students leadership and school activities as well as their involvement and accomplishment in their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Members with exceptional SAE accomplishments may be eligible for any of the Star awards. Brooke Pearson applied and was named District VII runner up for Star Farmer. The Star Farmer Award recognizes those members who are involved in production agriculture and have ownership in livestock or crop land or another entrepreneurial area of production agriculture. Sydnie Howey is the District VII Star in Placement runner-up. Placement SAE’s require a member to work in an agricultural business accumulating paid and/or unpaid hours.
District VII Star candidates will now advance to state consideration where the top four members in each of four Star categories will be interviewed in a competition culminating during the State FFA Convention in April.
West Central FFA Members who will be awarded the State FFA Degree in April are : Brooke Pearson, Sydnie Howey, Jeremy Nettifee, Stacia Knuth, Sami Galliger, Kelsey Wagner, Cam Green, Tucker Smith, Spencer Kurtz, Ethan Schumacher and Austin Wolfe.

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Members attend Legislative Breakfast


West Central FFA members recently attended the annual South Dakota FFA Legislative Breakfast in Pierre, SD.  FFA members representing each of the 7 FFA Districts traveled to Pierre in between snow days in January.  Members participated in District Officer Training conducted by the State Officers, toured the capitol, participated in question and answer sessions with education and agriculture officials and discussed budget shortfalls for South Dakota schools.

State Legislators arrived early the next morning to be greeted by FFA members from across the state.  Each District Officer was seated with Legislators from their home legislative district.  John Farris, former interim Secretary of Agriculture was the speaker for the breakfast session.  Members had the opportunity to share their own stories and the impact that Agricultural Education and FFA has had in their lives.

Members representing West Central are Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Liz Renner, Anthony Even and Maty Skinner.  WCFFA Advisor Linda Petersen accompanied the District Officers.

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Karst Memorial Scholarship

The Karst Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the South Dakota Association of Conservation District Employees.  Four $300 scholarships are payable upon completion of the second semester of registration at a post-secondary institute.  Any graduate of a South Dakota high school in the upper 50% of their graduating class is eligible to apply.  Consideration will be given to those students studying an agricultural field.  Applications are due March 31, 2011.  Additional information on this scholarship is available through the Minnehaha Conservation District at 605-336-1527 or e mail Harly Shafer at harley.shafer@sd.nacdnet.net  Read more here.  The scholarship application can be downloaded here.

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Nettifee Works as Legislative Page


Jeremy Nettifee has found a new way to learn more about the legislative process.  Rather than sitting in a classroom, he’s experiencing the process first hand.  Nettifee was selected to serve as a page in December and began his service in Pierre on January 10, 2011.

Nettifee will spend two weeks in Pierre working with the South Dakota Legislature during the 2011 session.  Nettifee will also be involved in this year’s  South Dakota State FFA Legislative Breakfast and District Officer Training.  He will be helping District FFA Officers to more fully understand the legislative process as well as providing helpful hints for students in discussing issues important to them with their legislators.

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