Does Cloning Have a Place in Agriculture?

The West Central FFA Ag Issues team is asking the question, does cloning have a place in agriculture?  The Ag Issues Career Development Event (CDE) is a competitive activity that tests students’ knowledge of agricultural issues and evaluates how well they can apply classroom knowledge to real -life situations. To compete in the Ag Issues Forum teams must design a presentation that addresses multiple viewpoints of a contemporary agricultural issue and present it to a number of audiences in their community.

The Ag Issues Team is composed of Joe Schartz, Shannon Miller, Anthony Even, Dan Kapperman, Breanna Gray, Liz Renner and Maty Skinner. The team recently presented their viewpoints and opinions on cloning and its place in American agriculture to the kick off meeting of the West Central FFA Alumni as well as after the church service at Zion Lutheran Church.


The team will be presenting at Hematech, Ag United, South Dakota Corn Growers, South Dakota Soybean and South Dakota Pork in the coming days.

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