On December 5, 2022, nearly 600 FFA members from across South Dakota met in Pierre for the State FFA Leadership Development Events (LDEs). Students qualified through district competitions, advancing the top two teams and top three individuals from each of the seven FFA districts in South Dakota. While waiting for competitive events, students had the opportunity to interact with agriculture industry leaders, who are SD FFA Star Partners, at the Career Carnival. Additionally, a representative from Pioneer-Corteva presented two workshops, which engaged members in discussion on future educational and career opportunities as well as identifying needed leadership qualities in the workforce. FFA members and chapters were recognized for their success in 11 leadership areas at the awards banquet. The banquet was sponsored by SD Midwest Dairy Association, BioZyme, and SD FFA Star Partners: CHS Foundation, Agtegra, Bayer, BankWest, Butler Machinery Company, Corteva/Pioneer, The First National Bank of Sioux Falls, Farmers Mutual of Nebraska, Farm Credit Services of America, Northland Ford, Titan International, SD Corn Utilization Council, Dacotah Bank, and ADM Grain of Harrold, Miller, Tulare. State-winning teams advance to the National FFA Leadership Development Events in Indianapolis this November.
In Marketing Plan, teams of students determine a local community need and create a complete strategy for marketing a new agricultural product or company to fill that need. The sponsor is Legend Seeds, Inc., and the state winning team travel scholarship is sponsored by Hurley and Associates and YieldPro Ag. The team from West Central placed first.

First place team – West Central (pictured left to right): Sponsor Legend Seeds, Inc. representative Pete Nielsen, Advisor Linda Petersen, AJ Ingalls, Madison DeMent, and Mya Davidson.
In Ag Issues, a team of 3-7 students discuss the pros and cons of a major agricultural issue facing their area. This event is sponsored by South Dakota Farmers Union. The state winning team travel scholarship is sponsored by South Dakota Farmers Union and Central States Fair/Black Hills Stock Show. West Central’s team of Ali Zacharias, Connor Siemonsma, Jocelyn Nilson, Sam Handberg, Jazelle Jarding, Jesse Kline, and Addi Bahrenfuss placed 2nd in the state contest.

Pictured left to right: Advisor Linda Petersen, Addi Bahrenfuss, Jazelle Jarding, Jesse Kline, Ali Zacharias, Connor Siemonsma, Jocelyn Nilson, Sam Handberg.
In Ag Communications, teams will play the role of communications consultants and will develop a media plan for an assigned scenario. The scenario will identify a client with communications need and a budget. This event is sponsored by the SD Broadcasters Association and Farm Progress/ Dakota Farmer. The travel scholarship is sponsored by Farm Progress/Dakota Farmer and Dakota Farm Talk. The team from West Central won the Ag Communications event. This is the tenth time West Central has won the Ag Communications event.

Pictured left to right: Advisor Linda Petersen, Shayne Luzmoor, Allison Brost, Sydney Neel, and Lexi Nichols.
The South Dakota FFA consists of over 109 FFA chapters with over 5,500 FFA members. The SD FFA Leadership Development Events are a special project of the SD FFA Foundation. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Visit http://www.sdffafoundation.org/ for more information, and/or follow us on Facebook (South Dakota FFA Foundation and South Dakota FFA Association).